Wednesday 17 June 2009

The guy with his cock out on my street and the insecure Audi driver....

It was around 8pm yesterday evening. A good friend had invited myself round for an evening of musical creation. I waited on a bus stop bench to be picked up and engage in such musical activities which in the business is known as "song writing" or even "artistic development". Anyway, the events leading to the matter...
As I sat myself down at the Southgate St bus stop and lit myself up a wholesome liquorice flavoured joint, something to my left was drawn to my attention; a guy in his 50's was stood next to the postbox, barely within conciousness, complete with trousers and underwear pulled fully down gracing his exhibitionistic feet on a less than desirable June evening.
A red, yellow and black striped polo shirt did little to hide the ageing mans exuberant beer belly, let alone his premature sized tackle.
It was a moment of double take until I could fully take in the scenario. A fully grown man standing at the side of a main entrance/exit into the humble, floral town of Bury St. Edmunds with his baby-dick in full view. Maybe fufilling insecurities concerning a recent divorce, or maybe a genuine pervert, either way it was quite a sight to behold.
It was at this moment, with a chuckle to myself, observant of every reaction displayed by passers by that I found myself with a brief glimpse into a strangers life.
A male Audi driver in his 30's-early 40's cruised past the exposed blimp of a man, and the reaction was priceless.
About 10 feet or so after he had caught glance of this unsightly exposure we had an exchange in which full eye contact was made with each other. I saw a guy successful and perhaps too serious about his profession, a guy who was deeply heterosexual towards himself and anchored too much towards an acheivement of girls and cash to cover any vunerability or weakness hidden within himself in his teenage years, forever haunting himself with his own thruths. A man without humour. A complete tit.
I sat there staring him straight in the eye, pissing myself with laughter as he glared at me with an insulted, convincing look of complete soberness. A look only availible to those who have lost all ability to laugh at themselves, let alone any weakness which man has brought towards himself.
I can only hope that the image of a rotundant old man with his cock out bringing an elightened hilarity to a teenage boy's face haunts him as he tries to explain to his office buddies when they ask "What did you get up to last night?"
It was a few minutes longer until our cocktail sized hero considered his luck up and covered himself, stumbling away without fear of arrest.
God bless the man on my street with his cock out.

Oh, and for those interested in the outcome of my musical adventure, the resultant track can be found on as the song "Henry's Chant".

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